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Mahsa Talebpourazad (University of British Columbia), "3D-TV Content Generation and Multi-View Video Coding" (2010). Advisor: Rabab Ward (2010).
The success of the 3D technology and the speed at which it will penetrate the entertainment market will depend on how well the challenges faced by the 3D-broadcasting system are resolved. The three main 3D-broadcasting system components are 3D content generation, 3D video transmission and 3D display. This thesis addresses three aspects of the 3D-broadcasting system challenges. Firstly, the problem of converting 2D acquired video to a 3D format is addressed. Two new and efficient methods were proposed, which exploit the existing relationship between the motion of objects and their distance from the camera, to estimate the depth map of the scene in real-time. These methods can be used at the transmitter and receiver-ends. It is especially advantageous to employ them at the receiver-end since they do not increase the transmission bandwidth requirements. Secondly, we studied one of the problems caused by unsynchronized zooming in stereo-camera video acquisition. We developed an effective algorithm for correcting unsynchronized zoom in 3D videos. The proposed scheme finds corresponding pairs of pixels between the left and right views and the relationship between them. This relationship is used to estimate the amount of scaling and translation needed to align the views. Lastly, the transmission of 3D-content problem is addressed and two schemes for multiview video coding (MVC) are proposed.
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