Postdoctoral Position in Neuroanotomical Image Processing

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Postdoctoral Position in Neuroanotomical Image Processing

The Mitra Lab at Cold Spring Harbor is looking to fill a postdoctoral research position, open from June 01 2014, by someone with experience in image processing and analysis. The candidate will work with our team on the Mouse Brain Architecture (MBA) project (, doing atlas registration and data analysis of the collection of mouse brain images, such as detecting and quantifying cells and processes.


The ideal candidate will have a strong computational and mathematical background, with a PhD (necessary) in computer science, physics, math, statistics, engineering, or a related field. The candidate will have programming skills and working knowledge of Matlab, Linux, and familiarity with C/C++.  The job requires detailed knowledge of image processing in a scientific context; conceptual familiarity with 3d graphics programing; experience writing image processing routine to extract signals of interest from images. The candidate will have the ability and willingness to work in a focused and self-directed manner on a project, and also as part of a team, comfortable with multitasking, and following project management guidelines.

Areas of additional experience that would greatly increase the candidate’s ability to effectively contribute to the project include computational neuroanatomy, histological imaging in rodent or other species; tractography or the reconstruction of microcircuits from electron microscopy; writing image processing routine to extract signals of interest; aligning and registering images to one another and an atlas. Also, experience with processing large images, including working with the jpeg2000 compressed format; using Visualization and Insight Toolkit (VTK & ITK); working with the djkota image server, and working with distributed processing, data storage, and computational frameworks, such as MPI (multi-CPU), CUDA(GPU/multi-GPU), Open CL, etc., would be very helpful.

Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter, noting especially image processing and neuroscience experience and preferred process for software development and project management, to Sandra Michelsen at

For details, please visit the job post at IEEE jobsite.

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