From the Editor

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From the Editor

This issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine is mainly focused on neurorehabilitation and assistive technologies. For a few decades, microelectronics, signal processing, robotics, and computer science have been the driver of many scientific and technological advances, with applications in many domains, including health.
This past summer, Prof. Robert Heath Jr. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine’s (SPM’s) former editor-in-chief, stressed to me how important it is to include a strong team of scientists on the magazine’s editorial board. It is especially important for area editors and members of the senior editorial board, but also associate editors for columns and forums as well as the e-Newsletter.
First, I would like to wish you a happy New Year and, especially, health for you and your families. I am very honored to be the new editor-in-chief (EIC) of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) for the next three years. It is a great challenge for me, as it was probably for its previous EICs since SPM is not an ordinary magazine.
Three years have gone by quickly. I started as the editor-in-chief (EIC) of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) in January 2018. It coincided with other changes in my personal life that made the transition steeper than I had expected. Looking back, it is how I imagine the New Year’s polar bear plunge might be. Of course, three years of service is a tad bit longer than a few minutes of swimming in ridiculously cold water. 

Like many of you, I am still working remotely, due to COVID-19, while writing this editorial. As in the past two years, I was planning to give an update on the magazine from our editorial board meeting. However, since ICASSP was remote, we have not yet scheduled the board meeting. Instead, I have decided to talk about a topic of personal interest: connections between communications and sensing in the context of vehicular systems.

After more than two years, my term as editor-in-chief (EIC) of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) is coming to an end in December 2020. I am looking forward to finishing out this year with a bang. Soon, the search will start for my replacement. In this editorial, I will provide a summary of the EIC’s job from my perspective, in case you are interested in applying. 

In my September editorial [1], I outlined the important components of good feature articles in response to feedback from our recent IEEE Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) meeting. In this issue's editorial, I discuss the process of organizing a special issue (SI) for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM). 

One of the main items of feedback during our recent IEEE Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) meeting was that IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) rejected too many feature article white papers as being “out of scope.” In this editorial, I attempt to outline the key features of a good feature article. 

The cellular industry has just reached another milestone with the development of 5G wireless communication technology. While research in 5G is a core part of the Signal Processing for Communications and Networking (SPCOM) technical committee, it may also be found in several other technical areas. 

There have been three key revolutions in the way that research has become accessible: publishing, code, and data. The second and third revolutions are still taking place, particularly driven by the rise of machine-learning and artificial intelligence research in the last decade. When I started my research career in 1995, the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. The popular Netscape browser had just been launched. Search engines were not widely used. While many academics owned e-mail addresses, few had web pages. If they did, they were not kept current.


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