November 2019

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Volume 36 | Issue 6

Many of us marveled in awe in March 2018 at the sight of the Ghana teacher who, using colored chalk, drew on his blackboard a snapshot of how an open window of the Microsoft Word software would look like on the screen of a computer...

This is an age of mobility. Phones, tablets, notebook computers, smart watches, and various other devices now supply people around the world with instant communication capabilities that were only dreamed of a generation ago. Mobility technologies are also transforming medicine, helping to improve the quality of care for people at all stages of life, giving both patients and healthcare providers deeper...

The success of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in carrying out various specialized cognitive tasks has brought renewed efforts to apply machine learning (ML) tools for economic, commercial, and societal aims, while also raising expectations regarding the advent of an artificial “general intelligence” [1][2][3]. Recent highly publicized examples of ML breakthroughs include the ANN-based algorithm AlphaGo...

The success of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in carrying out various specialized cognitive tasks has brought renewed efforts to apply machine learning (ML) tools for economic, commercial, and societal aims, while also raising expectations regarding the advent of an artificial “general intelligence” [1][2][3]. Recent highly publicized examples of ML breakthroughs include the ANN-based algorithm AlphaGo...

In my September editorial [1], I outlined the important components of good feature articles in response to feedback from our recent IEEE Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) meeting. In this issue's editorial, I discuss the process of organizing a special issue (SI) for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM). 


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