IEEE TIP Article

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IEEE TIP Article

Visual attention is an important mechanism in the human visual system (HVS) and there have been numerous saliency detection algorithms designed for 2D images/video recently. However, the research for fixation detection of stereoscopic video is still limited and challenging due to the complicated depth and motion information. 

In this paper, a self-guiding multimodal LSTM (sgLSTM) image captioning model is proposed to handle an uncontrolled imbalanced real-world image-sentence dataset. We collect a FlickrNYC dataset from Flickr as our testbed with 306,165 images and the original text descriptions uploaded by the users are utilized as the ground truth for training.

We present a novel global non-rigid registration method for dynamic 3D objects. Our method allows objects to undergo large non-rigid deformations and achieves high-quality results even with substantial pose change or camera motion between views. In addition, our method does not require a template prior and uses less raw data than tracking-based methods since only a sparse set of scans is needed.

We study the problem of image alignment for panoramic stitching. Unlike most existing approaches that are feature-based, our algorithm works on pixels directly, and accounts for errors across the whole images globally. Technically, we formulate the alignment problem as rank-1 and sparse matrix decomposition over transformed images, and develop an efficient algorithm for solving this challenging non-convex optimization problem.

Image classification is an essential and challenging task in computer vision. Despite its prevalence, the combination of the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) and the Fisher vector (FV) encoding method has limited performance since the class-irrelevant background used in the traditional FV encoding may result in less discriminative image features.

This paper presents an intelligent system named Magic-wall, which enables visualization of the effect of room decoration automatically. Concretely, given an image of the indoor scene and a preferred color, the Magic-wall can automatically locate the wall regions in the image and smoothly replace the existing wall with the required one. 

In this paper, we present a multichannel cross-modal fusion algorithm to combine two complementary modalities in electron tomography: X-ray spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The former reveals compositions with high elemental specificity but low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), while the latter characterizes the structure with high SNR but little chemical information.

In this paper, we present a spatial-temporal attention-aware learning (STAL) method for video-based person re-identification. Most existing person re-identification methods aggregate image features identically to represent persons, which are extracted from the same receptive field across video frames. 

The aim of this paper is to present a new method for skin tumor segmentation in the 3D ultrasound images. We consider a variational formulation, the energy of which combines a diffuse interface phase field model (regularization term) and a log-likelihood computed using nonparametric estimates (data attachment term).

We present a compression scheme for multiview imagery that facilitates high scalability and accessibility of the compressed content. Our scheme relies upon constructing at a single base view, a disparity model for a group of views, and then utilizing this base-anchored model to infer disparity at all views belonging to the group.


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