Research Opportunities

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Research Opportunities

Two  postdoctoral imaging researchers to develop new translational applications in cardiovascular imaging are needed.

Graduate Research Assistant/Post Doc Positions in wireless communications, computational electromagnetics, digital signal processing, microwave devices, radar technology, and antennas, are available at Hawaii Center for Advanced Communications (HCAC), College of Engineering, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa

( HCAC’s variety of projects/sponsors (NSF, ONR, Army-CERDEC) and state-of-the-art laboratories provide excellent research opportunities leading to Ph.D.

The School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) in the newly founded ShanghaiTech University invites highly qualified candidates to fill multiple tenure-track as well as tenured positions as founding faculty members of the SIST. 

Candidates should have an exceptional academic record or demonstrate strong potential in frontier research areas of information science and technology or closely related fields.

The Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC, invites applications for a two-year contract Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in the area of Wearable Wireless Sensors Networks.

Two computational biology post-doctoral positions are available at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).


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