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The Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC, invites applications for a two-year contract Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in the area of Wearable Wireless Sensors Networks. The researcher will be involved in a new research project funded by the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF,
The candidate is expected to pursue research activities in these three main areas:
1. Realistic modeling of on-body and body-to-body wireless networks (physical layer, radio link and mobility).
2. Design of cooperative and cross-layer communication layers to effectively handle the dynamic nature of the on-Body and Body-to-Body wireless networks.
3. Assess the integration of the most promising cross-layer networking protocols into real wearable wireless sensor devices, which will be manufactured and made available by the industrial partner of this project.
The project will be conducted in collaboration with the Laboratory for Electronics and Information Technology (LETI, of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA,, Grenoble, France.
The applicant should hold a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering by the time of appointment. Key job requirements include:
- Strong knowledge in Wireless Networks (e.g. WSNs, BANs, BBNs, MANET, etc.) and related technologies (e.g. Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy, Ultra Wideband, IEEE 802.15.6, etc.).
- Strong knowledge in Radio Link Modeling (e.g. packet-error-rate, bit-error-rate, signal-to-noise ratio, signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio, etc.). Knowledge of Physical Layer Modeling (e.g. path-loss, shadowing, fading, interferences, LOS/NLOS propagation) is an asset.
- Strong knowledge in Mobility Modeling (e.g. RPGM, random waypoint, random walk, etc.). Knowledge of BANs/BBNs Mobility Modeling (e.g. biomechanical modeling, body mobility and posture) is an asset.
- Strong knowledge in the design of Cross-layer and Cooperative Communication Protocols (e.g. MAC, networking, routing, relaying, etc.).
- Strong knowledge in mathematical modeling, statistics, graph theory, packet-oriented simulation (e.g. Matlab, WSNet, NS-2, NS-3, Opnet, etc.), and novel algorithm development (e.g. C, C++, Java, etc.)
- Very good critical thinking and reasoning skills
- Ability to work independently
- Solid publication record in top academic journals and conferences
- Prior industry experience is an asset
The position is available from Dec.2013/Jan. 2014. Interested candidates are invited to send a detailed CV (including the names of at least three referees), graduate studies transcript of records, research statement, and a cover letter to and cc Please make sure to write in the subject of the email "Postdoctoral Position - Wearable Wireless Sensors Networks". Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
- Competitive tax-free salary and benefits in Qatar
- Professional and attractive work environment
- Full support for presenting research papers at conferences in accordance with project budget
The Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), is an applied research and development center founded by Qatar University in collaboration with and at the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP) to leverage the use of emerging mobility technologies and lifestyle in creating and deploying intelligent solutions and smart applications for use in a number of markets including Transportation, Road Safety, Environment, and Healthcare. QMIC was founded with the objective of filling the existing gap in the region for institutions focusing on applied research and solutions delivery with the aim of creating local knowledge-based ventures.
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