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With the advent of consumer grade depth cameras, there has been a surge of interest and availability of depth information. While in the past geometric information originated mostly from computer graphics, it is now more and more common to have geometry information originated from sensing the environment, e.g., from Kinect, stereo cameras, lidar, etc.
While currently there is much work on compression of depth maps with the signal processing community, there could be significant advantages to compression of the geometry directly. There has been some work in the computer graphics community targeted at mesh compression, but we believe that many of the techniques typically used in signal processing have the potential to greatly increase the compression efficiency.
To encourage the signal processing community to lend it expertise to this important problem area, we are establishing this Competition in Dynamic Geometry Compression, potentially the first in an annual series.
The Dynamic Geometry Competition is an international competition organized by the IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP-TC), and sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The competition is already open, with first phase entries schedule for July 2013. Please visit the competition website. A total of up to $9,000 will be awarded in prizes and travel grants!
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