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The purpose of this function is to conduct research and development in the field of seismic data imaging. To design and implement processing solutions at an industrial scale and to contribute to the verification of their geophysical integrity. to provide unscheduled programming support and to contribute to software documentation and training.
Lecture Date: August 1, 2017
Chapter: Oakland-East Bay
Chapter Chair: Ryan Goldhahn
Topic: Marked Point Processes for Object Detection in High Resolution Images: Application to Earth Observation and Cartography
Lecture Date: July 31, 2017
Chapter: Oakland-East Bay
Chapter Chair: Ryan Goldhahn
Topic: Marked Point Processes for Object Detection in High Resolution Images: Application to Earth Observation and Cartography
Lecture Date: July 28, 2017
Chapter: Singapore
Chapter Chair: Hong Cao
Topic: Optimum Functional Forms of Spoofing Attacks, Optimum Processing
for Man-in-the-Middle Attacks and Interesting Implications to Unattacked
Quantized Sensor Estimation and IoT Systems
Lecture Date: July 27, 2017
Chapter: Singapore
Chapter Chair: Hong Cao
Topic: Improved Detection and Estimation Performance of Passive Radars
Exploiting Known Communication Signal Form with Unknown Information Bits
Alibaba iDST Voice++
Job Position: Audio Fingerprint, audio watermark, Speaker Identification
Job Location: Seattle/Beijing/Hangzhou
About us:
When you first hear the word “biometric,” it’s likely you make the connection to human beings. By definition, biometric means “life to measure.” There are many types of biometric characteristics, such as fingerprints, faces, eyes, speech and palmprints. Commonly used for individual recognition and authentication, these biometric characteristics comprise the biometric system.
Lecture Date: July 18, 2017
Chapter: Coastal Los Angeles
Chapter Chair: Naveen Reddy
Topic: Marked Point Processes for Object Detection and
Tracking in High Resolution Images: Applications to
Remote Sensing and Biology
Call for Proposals: IEEE MMSP 2019
Submission Deadline: September 15, 2017
Radio-Frequency (RF) waveforms that can be used simultaneously for applications in the radar and communication domains. The student will be supervised by Dr Francesco Fioranelli and Prof Muhammad Imran at the School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, with the support of Leonardo Airborne and Space Systems.
March 27-30, 2018
Location: Snowbird, Utah, USA
December 6-7, 2017
Location: London, UK
December 11-12, 2017
Location: Brussels, Belgium
July 8-11, 2018
Location: Sheffield, UK
July 23-27, 2018
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
We are looking for people to join the voice research team in our London office who can drive new ideas and create IP and techniques which will enable the development of leading-edge and differentiated voice-related features. We are looking at all levels of experience starting from summer-interns, year placement in industry, MSc graduates, recent PhDs or more experienced individuals with industrial or postdoc work.