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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Contributed by John Apostolopoulos - IVMSP TC Chair
The purpose of the Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) is to promote and guide the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional signal processing. This includes those areas listed under all EDICS categories of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and under the EDICS subcategory Multidimensional Signal Processing of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. This is one of SPS oldest TC's – it was previously known as the Image and Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) TC and recently revised its name to add the term "video" (please see the January 2009 e-newsletter for additional information on the change).
One of the TC’s most important responsibilities is overseeing the organization and the technical program, and serving as core reviewers, for the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), which is the largest and premiere IEEE conference on image and video. Topic areas include image/video coding and transmission; image/video processing; image formation for biomedical imaging and remote sensing; image scanning, display, and printing; image/video storage, retrieval, and authentication; and applications in biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document image processing and analysis, and other imaging applications. The technical program for ICIP 2009, which will be held in Cairo, Egypt, in November 2009, is the latest program finalized with the TCs active involvement. ICIP 2009 received 2361 valid paper submissions, and accepted 1113 papers. ICIP 2009 promises to be a very exciting event and we look forward to seeing the signal processing community in Egypt!
The TC’s next big task this Fall will be to oversee and serve as core reviewers for ICASSP 2010 paper submissions in the IVMSP area (typically about 400-500 papers).
The TC will be conducting elections of new members this Fall. If you are interested in serving on the TC and helping with the various TC responsibilities, please contact a current member of the TC (see TC website below) who is familiar with you, your research, and your service to the SPS, and would be willing to recommend you. Additional information about the IVMSP TC's activities is available at the TC website.
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