November 2010

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

November 2010

If we had machines that could hear as humans do, we would expect them to be able to easily distinguish speech from music and background noises, to pull out the speech and music parts for special treatment, to know what direction sounds are coming from, to learn which noises are typical and which are noteworthy.

Hearing machines should be able to listen and react in real time, to take appropriate action on hearing noteworthy events, to participate in ongoing activities.

The ICIP tradition of excellent technical presentations, a wonderful reception, and a superb banquet continued in Hong Kong.

Five colleagues were honored as the 2011 Class of Distinguished Lecturers by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS).

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the SPS members elected, by direct ballot, THREE Members-at-Large to the Board of Governors (BoG) for three-year terms commencing 1 January 2011 and ending 31 December 2013, as well as FOUR Regional Directors-at-Large each for the corresponding regions: Regions 1-6 (US), Regions 7 and 9 (Canada and Latin America), Region 8 (Europe/Middle East/Africa), and Region 10 (Asia/Pacific Rim) for two-year terms commencing 1 January 2011 and ending 31 December 2012.

by Dinei Florencio, Darko Kirovski & Nasir Memon (IEEE WIFS’10 Organizers)

The organizers of the IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2010 are glad to announce that the technical program of the conference has been announced.

The workshop will feature a collection of papers covering a wide range of security related areas, including biometrics, forensics, steganography, watermarking, etc. The workshop will be interlaced with two keynote talks from prominent speakers.

This year three Signal Processing Society members have been elected to IEEE level positions.

A new, enhanced publishing tool for conferences is now available free of charge to IEEE conference organizers: PDF eXpress PLUS.


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