PDF eXpress PLUS Launched

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

PDF eXpress PLUS Launched

A new, enhanced publishing tool for conferences is now available free of charge to IEEE conference organizers: PDF eXpress PLUS.

Built upon the successful model of PDF eXpress, PDF eXpress PLUS is a secure, Web-based application that greatly assists IEEE conference organizers in obtaining IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs from their authors. PDF eXpress PLUS is an enhancement to PDF eXpress that allows authors to deposit their validated PDF on the site for collection by the conference's publication or technical program chair, eliminating the need to track down individual authors. This also helps ensure the publications chair has the most recent version of the paper.

The IEEE Conference Publications Operations and eXpress Conference Publishing teams are actively recruiting new users to take advantage of PDF eXpress PLUS, which is ideal for smaller conferences (50 to 100 papers expected to be presented) and when the publishing needs are simpler. To register your conference to use PDF eXpress PLUS, please visit our information page at http://tinyurl.com/pdf-eXpressPlus-Site-Setup-jsp.

This doesn't mean that PDF eXpress is going away. Conference organizers who wish to continue with PDF eXpress can register at http://tinyurl.com/pdfexpress-html.

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