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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare and Technology is being presented to Harrison H. Barrett of the University of Arizona. The IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare and Technology is given for outstanding contributions and/or innovations in engineering within the fields of medicine, biology, and healthcare technology.
The IEEE/ Royal Society of Edinburgh Wolfson James Clark Maxwell Award is being presented to Marcian Edward Hoff of Teklicon, Inc. IEEE/RSE Wolfson James Clark Maxwell Award was established for groundbreaking contributions that have had an exceptional impact on the development of electronics and electrical engineering or related fields.
The IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper is being presented to Andreas F. Mourlisch, University of Southern California; Larry J. Greenstein, Rutgers University and Mansoor Shafi, Telecom New Zealand. The IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper is given for the most outstanding survey, review, or tutorial paper published in the IEEE Transactions, Journals, Magazines, or in the Proceedings of the IEEE between 1 January and 31 December of the preceding year.
The IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal is being presented to Ingrid Daubechies of Princeton University. Established in 1995, the Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal is given for outstanding achievements in signal processing.
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