Statistical Signal Processing for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (2010)

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Statistical Signal Processing for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (2010)

edited by Karim G. Oweiss, 1st edition, Academic Press, August 2010.

Description from the publisher: This is a uniquely comprehensive reference that summarizes the state of the art of signal processing theory and techniques for solving emerging problems in neuroscience, and which clearly presents new theory, algorithms, software and hardware tools that are specifically tailored to the nature of the neurobiological environment. It gives a broad overview of the basic principles, theories and methods in statistical signal processing for basic and applied neuroscience problems. Written by experts in the field, the book is an ideal reference for researchers working in the field of neural engineering, neural interface, computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics, neuropsychology and neural physiology. By giving a broad overview of the basic principles, theories and methods, it is also an ideal introduction to statistical signal processing in neuroscience.

More details can be found at the book website.

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