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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Gaurav Sharma (IVMSP TC Chair, 2010-2011)
The purpose of the Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) is to promote and guide the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional signal processing. The IVMSP TC provides leadership for the technical programs for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; recruits and volunteers reviewers for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; assists in proposing and organizing ICIP; organizes and operates IVMSP workshops and sessions at ICIP and ICASSP; solicits, evaluates, and endorses nominations for SPS Awards to the SPS Awards Board; solicits, evaluates, and endorses nominations for SPS Distinguished Lecturers; assists in recruiting associate editors for SPS publications; and participates in the development of IEEE standards.
In 2011, in addition to key contributions to the ICIP and ICASSP Technical programs, the TC sponsored a workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis that was held from June 16-17, 2011, in Ithaca, NY. This year's workshop tested a new model for more intimate and focussed interaction within a smaller group, which based on feedback of the participants, proved to be extremely successful in achieving its objectives; attendees were nearly unanimous in their support for similar formats for future TC workshops. Thanks to Sheila Hemami and Thrasos Pappas, Co-Chairs for the IVMSP 2011 Workshop and to Amy Reibman, who served as the Technical Program Co-Chair along with me, for their efforts in making this event a big success. The TC is currently entertaining workshop proposals for at Workshop in 2013. If you are interested in organizing a TC workshop, please contact us for further information.
At its meeting at ICASSP 2012, the TC will be reviewing proposals for ICIP 2017 and providing feedback on these to the SPS Conference Board which takes place March 25-30, 2012 in Kyoto, Japan. Proposals are due to SPS a month in advance of the conference; please contact Lisa Schwarzbek, Manager, Conference Services for SPS for information on proposal requirements and additional information.
The TC recently completed its annual cycle of elections. Starting January 2012, Prof. James Fowler, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, USA will be taking over as the TC Chair. He will be joined by Prof. Pascal Frossard, Signal Processing Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland as the TC Vice Chair.
The TC will also be welcoming eight members, who have been elected to the TC for a three year term starting January 2012 are (in alphabetical order by last name): Mary Comer, Purdue University, USA; Yun He, Tsinghua University, China; Chia-Wen Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; Amy Reibman, AT&T Research, USA; Ramin Samadani, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA; Stefano Tubaro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Rebecca Willett, Duke University , USA; and Feng Wu, Microsoft Research Asia, China. Please join me in congratulating the incoming leaders and the new members.
The TC welcomes participation from all members of the SPS technical community interested in the TC areas. Affiliate membership within the TC is open to all and you are encouraged to sign up. Affiliate members receive TC related announcements, participate in TC nominations processes, and are welcome to attend the open portions of the TC meetings at ICIP and ICASSP. For additional information, please visit the TC website.
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