Undergraduate Students "Make a World of Difference" with Winning Videos

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Undergraduate Students "Make a World of Difference" with Winning Videos

U.S. undergraduate students from Tufts University in Boston, the University of California at Berkeley, and Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, are being recognized by IEEE-USA during National Engineers Week for creating inspirational 90-second YouTube videos for youngsters 11-to-13-years-old on "How Engineers Make a World of Difference."

In announcing the $5,000 in student awards for IEEE-USA's fifth annual online engineering video scholarship award competition, Nita Patel, IEEE-USA vice president of communications and public awareness, praised the quality and diversity of the entries:

-- $1,500 to Kristen Ford (and her team) at Tufts for best in content and message, reinforcing that engineers and technical professionals are creative people who seek to make life better for all

-- $1,500 to Matthias Mentink (and his team) at Berkeley for best production quality and most professional look

-- $1,500 to Paul Stocklin at Ohio University for the most-viewed submission as of the competition deadline

To view this year's winning entries, and entries from four previous years, see http://www.youtube.com/user/ieeeusavideo.

(source: IEEE-USA)

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