Upcoming IEEE Webinars and Training for Conference Organizers

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Upcoming IEEE Webinars and Training for Conference Organizers

Date Event Type
2014-12-03 Event Registration Basics and Best Practices Conference
2014-11-19 -
November Volunteer Leadership Orientation Leadership
2014-11-13 How to Drive IEEE Membership at YourConference MCE Education
2014-11-12 Event Site Selection: How to Leverage the Power of IEEE at the Start Conference


Conference Exchanges - A series of IEEE Meetings, Conference & Events webinars designed to connect OU Volunteer Leadership and IEEE Employees with conference resources available within MCE.

MCEEduc ational - A series intended to inform and educate organizers about available
IEEE resources, skills and tools needed for
successful IEEE sponsored conferences.

TA Connect! - Inclusive series for all Technical Activities Volunteer Training events-webinars, teleconferences, live training workshops and more to come.


IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel