The IEEE of 2030 Begins Now

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The IEEE of 2030 Begins Now

There is significant work being done this year at the IEEE Board of Directors level related to strategy.

Where it started: As part of the January 2015 Board Retreat, IEEE President and CEO Howard Michel convened a diverse group of participants including the IEEE Board of Directors, the executive staff team, and select volunteers to engage in a candid and productive dialogue around IEEE’s future direction and strategy.

The approach: IEEE partnered with the Toronto-based facilitation firm Syntegrity Group, which led participants through a progressive three-day consensus-building process designed specifically to handle complex challenges. The objectives of this effort were to:

  1. better understand the changes IEEE must make now to best position IEEE for success in 2030, while still supporting the needs of technologists between now and then;
  2. focus on key strategic objectives that support the short- and long-term vision for IEEE of 2030;
  3. arrive at a holistic understanding of what a flourishing IEEE would consist of in the future;
  4. identify and agree on the steps that IEEE needs to take to move in that direction over the next two years.

The three-day retreat resulted in 12 strategic topics, each with recommendations and perceived importance of the recommendations. Subsequently, in February, a smaller group convened to continue to further refine the 12 strategic topics and develop a roadmap that honored the previous work, while adding clarity and realistic timelines and expectations. This effort resulted in four strategic objectives:

  1. create a nimble, flexible, forward-looking organization;
  2. foster public imperatives;
  3. foster diverse technical communities with industry, government, and academia;
  4. empower the discovery, development, and delivery of cutting-edge products and services.

To anchor the entire IEEE in 2030 effort, the groups focused on the following strategic question: “What changes must we make now to best position IEEE for success in 2030, while still supporting the needs of technologists between now and then?”

Next steps: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on IEEE in 2030 has been given responsibility for this work including monitoring progress and reporting back to the Board and organizational units (OUs). Barry Shoop, 2016 IEEE President, is the chair of this ad hoc committee.

In March the Committee will develop detailed roadmaps to support the four strategic objectives and will begin working with the Board, OUs, standing committees, other ad hoc committees, and other groups within IEEE to execute plans.

View a more detailed outline of the process (PPT, 3.7 MB; IEEE Account required)

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