February 2016

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

February 2016

Biomedical signals have been widely used in the clinical setting for diagnostics, guiding therapy, patient monitoring, disease prevention, and risk assessment. The special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE in Feb. 2016 comprises 12 reviews that address challenges in applicative biomedical contexts by emphasizing the relevance of the methodological problem, the clinical importance of extracted information, and the possibility for future technological developments.

The Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) technical committee reports on augmented reality devices, 3D acoustic localization, binaural recording and rendering and spatial audio processing technologies.

The Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) technical committee reports on the upcoming IEEE SAM workshop in Rio de Janeiro, an announcement of the 2017 IEEE CAMSAP workshop, new SAM members and award nominations.

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
Toronto March 7, 2016 Hamid Krim (NC State University, USA) Lecture topic: "Convexity, Nullity and all that in Data Analysis". Contact chapter chair Mehrnaz Shokrollahi for more information.

Vaish, Rajan, (University of California, Santa Cruz) “Mobilizing the Citizen Crowd”,(2015), Advisor: James Davis

Li, Hongjuan, (The George Washington University),” Privacy Preserving Friend Discoverym in Mobile Social Networks” (2016), Advisor: Cheng, Xiuzhen

For our February 2016 issue, we cover recent patents dealing with image registration. The section below covers patents granted recently for various new image registration algorithms and devices, including applications of video registration for heads up displays, 2D/3D image registration and medical image analysis.

At the first keynote of Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2016, NVIDIA CEO  Jen-Hsun Huang unveiled DRIVE PX 2, an automotive supercomputing platform for autonomous car driving. Please watch the video or visit NVIDIA Blog for more details.


Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing. http://www.signalprocessingsociety.org/conferences/upcoming-conferences/

The Conference Best Paper Award for Industry recognizes author(s) of an ICIP and ICASSP/GlobalSIP paper of exceptional industrial merit and industrial impact dealing with a subject related to the Society’s technical scope. To be eligible for consideration, the paper must have been submitted to ICIP or ICASSP/GlobalSIP.


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