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IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) invites inputs from the global signal processing community on recent engineering design projects with significant relevance to signal and information processing.
Why? Challenges in providing high quality engineering training is compounded of the fast pace of advancement in technology, the required theoretical background, and the increasing multidisciplinary applications. Engineering design projects has been an essential part of undergraduate engineering education worldwide, and they take on various forms at different institutions. Signal and information processing plays an important role in many of these engineering projects, from sensing to enhancement to signal/data analytics to archiving and transmission. A new article series being developed by the guest editor team for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine seeks to provide a platform to share experiences and best practices on undergraduate design project trainings that incorporate a strong element of signal and information processing.
What? Input can be made by faculty or industry professionals who have served as mentors for the student projects; input from students is welcome, but endorsement by a faculty/industry mentor should be included with the submission. Due to space limit, information of student projects will not be published in full in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine; instead, the guest editors will review the submissions to select representative projects based on quality, originality, topic coverage, and diversity. An article will be compiled to include summary or highlights of the projects, and published in a forthcoming issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine with acknowledgement of project authors and mentors. An extended list of student projects may be included in the Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter, an online arm of the Magazine.
Potential projects of interests include (but not limited to): interdisciplinary projects; using design project to foster teamwork, interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership; projects based on collaboration with industry; projects that provide exposure of undergraduate students to state-of-the art research; projects involving mobile and embedded platform; projects involving competitions; and projects that are shaped/re-shaped to fit middle/high school students.
How? Interested project authors and mentors should post their project information as a PDF file on the online repository of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,, under the “Event/Theme” category of “SPM Student Design Project Series” using coupon code “spm1227” and their IEEE web account. The submission should have a cover page that includes the project name, institution, name and email contact of project author(s) and mentor(s), project date/duration, and URL if available. Following the cover page should be a summary up to 3 pages that describes succinctly the project motivation and main elements as well as outcome and notably highlights. At least one image providing a visual summary or highlight of the project should be included; more relevant images/diagram/photos are welcome. The submission should utilize the opportunity of SigPort platform to include an informative thumbnail image during the document submission. A full project report may be appended to the summary as a single PDF file, or a URL to the full report can be given.
When? Submissions are evaluated on a rolling basis before 31 July 2016. For best considerations, authors are strongly encouraged to submit as soon as possible.
Guest Editors Hana Godrich, Rutgers University, USA,
Arye Nehorai, Washington University in St. Louis, USA,
Ali Tajer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA,
Maria Sabrina Greco, University of Pisa, Italy,
Changshui Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
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