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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Are you a practicing engineer who would like to attend ICIP 2016, but the cost of travel is too great? Talk to your local Chapter Chair about how you can qualify for travel support to attend the conference in Phoenix, Arizona, USA this September! The Signal Processing Society recently approved an initiative that would provide limited Society support for SPS Chapters to send up to two members each to the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP []) from 25-28 September 2016. Each participating Chapter’s candidate(s) is required to be an IEEE Signal Processing Society member in good standing, as well as a current practicing engineer, to be considered for the travel grant support. A practicing engineer must fall in one of the following categories:
Applicants who are professors or students at universities will not be considered for this travel support. Practicing engineers who have accepted papers at ICIP will also not be considered. If you are interested in representing your Chapter, contact your local Chapter Chair and ask them to submit a nomination! Travel grant support will be awarded in the amount of $600 for individuals traveling within the same continent and $1200 for travel between continents. The SPS Chapters Review Committee will review the nominations and determine whether travel support will be awarded. Applicants who receive the grant are expected to do one of the following items in accepting the travel grant funds, which are:
The intent of this request is to spread the word about the conference and Society. To submit a nomination, please ask your Chapter Chair to complete the nomination form no later than 31 May 2016.
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