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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) is currently soliciting proposals for one of its 2016 funding opportunities. The IEEE HAC is tasked with supporting the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level. HAC Events: HAC is currently soliciting proposals for the support of elements of events that are aligned with this vision. Support requested may include financial resources, publicity in HAC materials, content development - such as HAC assistance in determining session topics and/or potential speakers - HAC promotional materials, and/or other assistance. HAC seeks to support a range of elements of events across IEEE's regions worldwide. Please note: HAC will not sponsor entire conferences - rather, it will support elements of events, such as tracks, workshops, sessions, and so on, that are aligned with HAC's vision. The deadline is 15 September. Apply for HAC events funding (PDF, 123 KB) View the SIGHT Toolkit to learn how to start a SIGHT group or how to operate your existing SIGHT group
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