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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Rabab Ward President, IEEE Signal Processing Society You may have received an email from Howard E. Michel, IEEE 2015 President and CEO, instructing you to vote FOR the IEEE Constitutional Amendment on this year’s member ballot. As you know, the Board of Governors of our Signal Processing Society has unanimously voted against the amendment. Actually, the governing bodies of the majority of IEEE societies are against it, including the largest ones such as Computer, Communications, and Power and Engineering. Voting is open from 15 August until 3 October. Before voting, you owe it to yourself and to IEEE to become an informed voter. Please review why the governing bodies of so many IEEE operational units are against the amendment here. Pleas review why your vote is urgently needed here. Please review why our SPS Board of Governors is against the amendment here. Please also see an advance copy of my September 1 Signal Processing Magazine editorial titled: "IEEE as "Bottom Up" or "Top Down" Management: The Choice Is Yours - Vote!" While Past President Michel’s message contains the web link for the amendment justification, I urge you to also visit this website for amendment opposition. Contrary to his statement that some groups have a vested interest against change, you will see statements in the blog from many respected volunteers who have long served IEEE and have nothing to gain personally, but still care deeply about the future of the Institute. Please make up your own mind about the amendment and cast your vote.
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