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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Initiatives & Trends

The human brain is organized into a collection of interacting networks with specialized functions to support various cognitive functions. At the micro level, the brain elements consist of single neurons, the amount of which often treads the realm of hundreds of billions, and possible connections between them numbering in the order of 10¹⁵. At a more macro level, the brain is parcellated into a number of regions, where each region accounts for the activity and coactivity of a population of neurons.

You would be hard pressed to find a consumer electronic product that does not require digital signal processing. Consumer electronics is a big market—about US$165 billion this year, and the requirement for digital signal processors (DSPs) just keeps growing with the introduction of new, innovative products.

Learn about how DSPs evolve in consumer electronics applications through the Special Report by Ron Schneiderman in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (May 2010).

Under the auspices of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Pennsylvania State University (PSU), Tufts University and the University of California-Riverside are collaborating to establish an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on optical wireless technologies, with PSU as the lead institution. A planning workshop will take place on June 8-10 2010 at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA.

# US 7,702,408, “Extending digital rights management and authentication to audio speakers”;
# US 7,702,405, "System and method for transferring non-compliant packetized and streaming data into and from a multimedia device coupled to a network across which compliant data is sent”;
# US 7,698,009, "Control surface with a touchscreen for editing surround sound";
# US 7,698,008, "Content-based audio comparisons";
# US 7,696,426, "Recombinant music composition algorithm and method of using the same";
# US 7,693,289, "Method and apparatus for remote control of an audio source such as a wireless microphone system";
# US 7,689,303, "Data transfer in audio codec controllers";
# US 7,684,885, "Wireless digital audio system".

Every January, Las Vegas becomes the center of attention of the consumer electronics industry because of the largest trade shows in the world: the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES). This year’s show presented hundreds of products, featured exhibitions of 226 companies, and discussed and demonstrated the latest trends in consumer electronics.

The May 2010 “IN THE SPOTLIGHT” column of the IEEE signal processing Magazine talks about the most popular trends in CES that were enabled by signal processing or will have an impact on a venue.

In November 2009, a Symposium on "Paths Ahead in the Science of Information and Decision Systems" was held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The meeting was organized by the MIT's Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)

, which has played and continues to play a major role in the development of this field.

# US 7,684,643 “Mutual information regularized Bayesian framework for multiple image restoration”;
# US 7,672,464 “Locating and correcting undesirable effects in signals that represent time-based media”.

US 7,646,328 “Versatile Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator for Radars”;
US 7,645,929 “Computational Music-tempo Estimation”.



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