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The International Conference on Information Fusion is a premier forum for interchange of the latest research in information fusion and discussion of its impacts on our society. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to report on the latest scientific and technical advances. Authors are invited to submit papers describing advances and applications in information fusion.
Fusion 2017 ( will be held in Xi’an, China at the Wyndham Hotel on July 10–13, 2017. Xi’an is the best representative city of Ancient China. It has more than 3100 years of history Since the 11th century BC it had been China's Capital for more than 1100 years under 13 dynasties, including several most important ones such as Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang. Xi'an was the root of the Silk Road, which connected the East and the West, and is the home of the world-famous Terracotta Army of more than 2200 years ago. In modern times, Xi'an has re-emerged as the center of the northwest China.
Topics of Interest
20th Anniversary Forum: Fusion 2017 will organize a special forum to celebrate the 20th anniversary. Candidate topics include: the (early) history of the Fusion Conferences and ISIF, significant achievements and major challenges of fusion research representative successful applications of fusion technologies, future trend and development of fusion research and technologies.
Paper Submissions: Prospective authors are invited to submit papers electronically via the system found at the conference web page. Paper templates and submission instructions will be available at the conference website. Paper submissions are due by 1 March 2017 and should be no more than ten pages in length. There will be a charge for each additional page beyond eight pages. All papers must be approved for public release via the appropriate procedure of their employers/funding agencies prior to submittal. The research papers published in Fusion proceedings had been indexed by EI. All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published in Fusion conference proceedings, which will be indexed by EI and IEEE Xplore.
Special Session Proposals: Proposers are invited to submit via the conference web page the theme of the special session as well as a list of possible committed papers. Proposals for special sessions are due by 1 February 2017. Papers for special sessions must also be submitted for review by 1 March 2017.
Tutorial Proposals: The first day of the conference will be devoted to tutorials on information fusion. Proposals for tutorials are invited. A title and description of the tutorial and biographical sketch of the instructor are due via the conference web page by 1 February.
Student Paper Program: Fusion 2017 is featuring a student paper program to encourage the involvement of young engineers and scientists in information fusion. Conference fees will be discounted for all student attendees. Further details will be available at the conference website.
Important Deadlines:
Special session proposals, tutorial proposals February 1, 2017
Full paper submission March 1, 2017
Notification of acceptance May 1, 2017
Final paper submission, early registration June 1, 2017
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