The program of IEEE WIFS'10 has been announced

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

The program of IEEE WIFS'10 has been announced

by Dinei Florencio, Darko Kirovski & Nasir Memon (IEEE WIFS’10 Organizers)

The organizers of the IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2010 are glad to announce that the technical program of the conference has been announced.

The workshop will feature a collection of papers covering a wide range of security related areas, including biometrics, forensics, steganography, watermarking, etc. The workshop will be interlaced with two keynote talks from prominent speakers.

Rico Malvar is a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer and the Chief Scientist for Microsoft Research (MSR). Computing, information, and entertainment technologies evolve and change at an increasingly rapid pace. In a talk entitled “A Glimpse at the Future of Computing”, Rico Malvar will present an overview of some of the technologies developed at Microsoft Research that push the limits of computing. Those include visualization techniques for petabytes of data, touch interfaces and body computing, speech translation, augmented reality, user sentiment analysis, streaming data processing, new wireless networking interfaces, and new tools for design and test of large-scale software.

Tadayoshi Kohno is an Assistant Professor in the University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, where his research focuses on computer security for emerging technologies. Today's and tomorrow's emerging technologies and cyber-physical systems have the potential to greatly improve the quality of our lives. Without the appropriate checks and balances, however, these emerging technologies also have the potential to compromise our digital and physical security and privacy. In his talk entitled “Security for Cyber-physical Systems: Case Studies with Medical Devices, Robots, and Automobiles”, Tadayoshi Kohno will explore three case studies in the design and analysis of secure cyber-physical systems: wireless medical devices, robots, and automobiles. He will then discuss the discovery of vulnerabilities in leading examples of these technologies, the challenges to securing these technologies and the ecosystem leading to their vulnerabilities, and new directions for security.

Several social events, including the welcome reception and a wine testing session, will allow the attendees to enrich their professional network. The IEEE IFS TC will also hold its plenary meeting during the event and formally announce where IEEE WIFS 2011 will be hold as well as the names of the recently elected TC members.

Do not hesitate any longer and join the fun with us in Seattle in December.

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