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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Published in TC News on 1 June 2016
Activity Update from the IFS-TC
Contributed by Wade Trappe (republished from IFS-related news)
The mission of the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS TC) is to promote activities within the broad technical areas of information forensics and security. The main activities addressed this year were the organization of the 2016 Signal Processing Cup, the nomination and election of societal awards, and the organization of the next installment of IFS’s flagship workshop WIFS’16. Additionally, the field of information forensics and security was recognized in the by the broader technical community with an Emmy at CES being awarded to four companies for their contributions to forensics technologies.
The IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing seeks original papers describing the very latest developments in spoofing and countermeasures for automatic speaker verification. Manuscripts for this special issue are due August 1, 2016.
Automatic speaker verification (ASV) offers a low-cost and flexible biometric solution to person authentication. While the reliability of ASV systems is now considered sufficient to support mass-market adoption, there are concerns that the technology is vulnerable to spoofing, also referred to as presentation attacks. Replayed, synthesized and converted speech spoofing attacks can all project convincing, high-quality speech signals that are representative of other, specific speakers and thus present a genuine threat to the reliability of ASV systems.
Recent years have witnessed a movement in the community to develop spoofing countermeasures, or presentation attack detection (PAD) technology to help protect ASV systems from fraud. These efforts culminated in the first standard evaluation platform for the assessment of spoofing and countermeasures of automatic speaker verification – the Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures Challenge (ASVspoof) – which was held as a special session at Interspeech 2015.
This special issue is expected to present original papers describing the very latest developments in spoofing and countermeasures for ASV. The focus of the special issue includes, but is not limited to the following topics related to spoofing and countermeasures for ASV:
Important Dates:
WIFS 2016 Call for Tutorials and Special Sessions
The deadline for tutorials and special sessions proposals at the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2016) is approaching fast. Submit your proposals by May 16 (Special Sessions) / May 27 (Tutorials) for full consideration.
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