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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
This IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Chapter Certification program is now accepting applications for review in 2021. This is open to all Chapters who are not currently certified, or whose certification will end on 31 December 2021.
The Signal Processing Society formed the Chapter Certification program to help grow Chapter programs and provide better two-way communications between the Chapters and the SPS. More information can be found on the Chapter Certification page on the SPS Website.
Filling out the Certification form is voluntary, but will help us in understanding your Chapter and its activities.
Chapters that are certified will obtain a four year certification. During this time, Certified Chapters will receive additional benefits including: a certificate of appreciation for Chapter Officers in the first year of certification, increased visibility on the SPS webpage, the ability to request up to $1,000 per Chapter in travel support to attend the Chapter Chairs Meeting during the four year certification period, the ability to apply for limited travel support to send one Student member from your chapter to attend ICASSP and/or ICIP, and $50 per new member (up to $500) in additional funding for things such as networking events, poster certification awards, and food for seminars. The SPS can also provide additional support for activities including seasonal schools in signal processing, workshop/conference sponsorship, travel grants, and hosting SPS Distinguished Lecturers and SPS Distinguished Industry Speakers. Finally, SPS has a Chapter of the Year Award (CoYA) Program that Chapters can apply for or automatically be considered for if they indicate their interest in the CoYA section of the 2021 Chapter Certification Application.
**Please note that, due to the ongoing travel restrictions and uncertainty surrounding in-person events due to the pandemic, travel support will not be provided to attend fully-virtual events.
If you are a Chapter Chair and would like your Chapter to be considered during the 2021 Review, the Certification application can be submitted through the online-nomination system.
The submission deadline for all applications is 31 January 2021. If you have any questions regarding the 2021 Certification Process, please contact the SPS Administrative Assistant, George Olekson (
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