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Following on the success of the bi-annual SLT workshop over the past decade, the IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee invites proposals to host the 2022 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2022). Past SLT workshops have fostered a collegiate atmosphere through a thoughtful selection of venues, thus offering a unique opportunity for researchers to interact and learn.
The proposal should include the information outlined below.
● Workshop location and practicalities
○ Geographical location
○ Workshop venue (facilities, meeting rooms, network access during the workshop, audio/visual equipment)
○ Accommodation -- hotel availability and pricing
○ Meals
○ Transportation options -- major airports, logistics, visas
○ Climate
● Approximate workshop dates
○ Previous workshops have been held in the month of December
○ A statement about the certainty of holding the workshop at the proposed venue, including whether the venue has been officially reserved, and until when the reservation is valid
● Approximate total cost to participants to attend, including accommodation, meals, and registration fees.
● Estimated budget for 300-400+ participants and expected sponsorships, including venue costs, administration, banquet, coffee breaks, publication costs, etc.
● Committee Personnel
○ General chair(s)
○ Technical chairs
○ Local arrangements chair(s)
○ Other committee members and roles
● Tentative program
○ Dates for paper submission, notification of acceptance, proposals for
demonstrations, early registration
○ Reception, talks, posters, demo session, banquet, etc.
○ Substantial program additions/changes vs. past instances of SLT
The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 11, 2021. Send proposals and questions to the workshop sub-committee: Kyu Jeong Han (, Zhijian Ou ( Helen Hastie (, Abdelrahman Mohamed (, Seokhwan Kim (, Hagai Aronowitz ( In June, the IEEE SLTC will review proposals, and selection results are expected by July 16, 2021.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, we encourage you to contact the workshop sub-committee in advance of submitting a proposal. They can provide an example of a past successful proposal and example budget. Further, proposers who make contact before Friday 30 April 2021 may be invited to briefly present in-person at the annual IEEE SLTC meeting at ICASSP 2021, 6-11 June 2021, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to obtain feedback from the SLTC ( Presentations should be reasonably specific but need not be complete. Note that the SLTC does not have funding available for travel to ICASSP.
The organizers of the SLT workshop do not have to be SLTC members, and we encourage submissions from all potential organizers. IEEE SLTC members are welcome to participate on proposals, and the organizing committees of past SLT events have included many SLTC members. To maintain fairness of selection, SLTC members who are affiliated with an SLT 2022 proposal will not participate in the SLT 2022 selection vote. Further, the members of the workshops sub-committee may not be affiliated with any SLT 2022 proposal. Please feel free to distribute this call for proposals far and wide, and invite members of the speech and language community at large to submit a proposal to organize the next SLT workshop.
For more information on the most recent workshops, please see: for information about SLT 2021 in Shenzhen, China for information about SLT 2018 in Athens, Greece for information about SLT 2016 in San Diego, California for information about SLT 2014 in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada
And feel free to contact the workshops sub-committee with questions.
Kyu Jeong Han ( sends e-mail))
Zhijian Ou ( sends e-mail))
Helen Haste ( sends e-mail))
Abdelrahman Mohamed ( sends e-mail))
Seokhwan Kim ( sends e-mail))
Hagai Aronowitz ( sends e-mail))
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