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The articles in this special section focus on nonconvex optimization for signal processing and machine learning. Optimization is now widely recognized as an indispensable tool in signal processing (SP) and machine learning (ML). Indeed, many of the advances in these fields rely crucially on the formulation of suitable optimization models and deployment of efficient numerical optimization algorithms. In the early 2000s, there was a heavy focus on the use of convex optimization techniques to tackle SP and ML applications.
We are looking to hire a post-doctoral research fellow with strong background in signal processing and machine learning in a project relating graph signal processing, information processing/fusion and machine learning.
Job Description
Manuscript Due: August 31, 2021
Publication Date: April 2022
CFP Document
Signal processing and communication students? We are looking for you!
The Signal Acquisition, Modeling, Processing, and Learning (SAMPL) lab headed by prof. Yonina Eldar is recruiting Masters and PhD students for cutting edge research in radar, communications, and analog-to-digital conversion.
Reykjavík University’s Language and Voice Lab (https://lvl.ru.is) is looking for experts in speech recognition and in speech synthesis. At the LVL you will be joining a research team working on exciting developments in language technology as a part of the Icelandic Language Technology Programme (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.09244.pdf).
Job Duties:
Manuscript Due: August 15, 2021
Publication Date: Midyear 2022
CFP Document