February 2010

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

February 2010

The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) invites application for a post-doctoral research associate position, which will be a part of a team comprising faculty, other academic staff and graduate students working in Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering, at RPI.  We are particularly interested in attracting highly motivated individuals with expertise in the general area of statistical signal processing, with emphasis on pattern recognition, data fusion, image formation and synthetic aperture imagery.

The Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island is seeking applicants for several research assistant positions with immediate opening in the following research areas: (1) biomedical signal processing, (2) information security and system reliability, (3) robotic control, and (4) high performance embedded system. 

Nominate an IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Life Senior Member as an IEEE Fellow by 1 March 2010

By Weifeng Liu, Jose C. Principe, and Simon Haykin, Wiley 2010

# US 7,640,069 "Editing audio directly in frequency space";
# US 7,555,432 "Audio steganography method and apparatus using cepstrum modification";
# US 7,522,773 "Using time in recognizing persons in images".

The IEEE Signal Processing Society provides funding support to local chapters for hosting Distinguished Lecturers and light refreshment break associated with chapter events. Chapters should follow the procedure for pre-approval and reimbursement.

by Jean-Philippe Thiran, Ferran Marqués, and Hervé Bourlard,
Academic Press, Dec. 2009.

A system with a feedback loop typically experiences a delay between its forward and feedback paths. This is a phenomenon commonly observed in power amplifiers and can be addressed with a Cartesian feedback linearization loop that seeks to synchronize the forward and feedback paths for optimal performance. 

The research group led by Dr. Erchin Serpedin at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) invites application for a postdoctoral research associate position.  The anticipated research work will lie at the interface between information theory, coding, optimization, and statistical signal processing.


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