Election of Regional Directors-at-Large and Members-at-Large

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Election of Regional Directors-at-Large and Members-at-Large

Alex Acero


Alex Acero 

SPS Past President and Chair, Nominations and Appointments Committee

Your vote is important! On 15 August 2017, the election of Regional Directors-at-Large for Regions 7 & 9 and Region 10 (term 1 January 2018 through 31 December 2019) and Members-at-Large (term 1 January 2018 through 31 December 2020) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors will open. Ballots will be mailed to SPS members.  The ballot includes a diverse slate of candidates for both elections, which were vetted by the SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee, as well as a space for write-in candidates. This year’s election offers SPS members the opportunity to cast their votes via the web at https://eballot4.votenet.com/IEEE for up to ONE Regional Director-at-Large for your corresponding region: Regions 7 & 9 (Canada and Latin America) and Region 10 (Asia and Pacific Rim) and THREE Member-at-Large candidates. Ballots must be received at IEEE no later than 2 October 2017 in order to be counted. Members must meet the eligibility requirements at the time the ballot data is generated in order to be eligible to vote. In order to be eligible to vote in this year’s Society election, you had to have been an active Signal Processing Society Member or Affiliate (excluding Student) prior to 1 August 2017. This is the date when the list of eligible Society voting members was compiled.

The candidates for Regional Director-at-Large are (alpha order):


Region 7 & 9:

Eduardo A.B. Da Silva

(1) Eduardo A.B. Da Silva

Timothy N. Davidson

(2) Timothy N. Davidson

Fabrice Labeau

(3) Fabrice Labeau

Region 10:

K.V.S. Hari

(1) K.V.S. Hari

Kin-Man (Kenneth) Lam

(2) Kin-Man (Kenneth) Lam

Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma

(3) Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma


The candidates for Member-at-Large are (alpha order):

Mauro Barni

(1) Mauro Barni

Mario Figueiredo

(2) Mario Figueiredo

Hamid Krim

(3) Hamid Krim

Shoji Makino

(4) Shoji Makino

Patrick Naylor

(5) Patrick Naylor

Athina P. Petrapulu

(6) Athina P. Petropulu

Konstantinos N. (Kostas) Plataniotis

(7) Konstantinos N. (Kostas)

Carlo Regazzoni

(8) Carlo Regazzoni

Paris Smaragdis

(9) Paris Smaragdis


The Board of Governors (BoG) is the governing body that oversees the activities of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The SPS BoG has the responsibility of establishing and implementing policy, and receiving reports from its standing boards and committees. The Board of Governors is comprised of the following 21 Society members: six officers of the Society who are elected by the Board of Governors, nine Members-at-Large elected by the voting members of the Society, four Regional Directors-at-Large elected locally by Society voting members of the corresponding region, as well as the Awards Board Chair. The six officers are: the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President-Conferences, the Vice President-Membership, the Vice President-Publications and the Vice President-Technical Directions. The Executive Director of the Society shall serve ex-officio, without vote.

Regional Directors-at-Large are IEEE Signal Processing Society members who are elected locally by Society voting members of the corresponding region via the annual election, to serve on the Society’s Board of Governors as non-voting members and voting members of the Society’s Membership Board.

Members-at-Large represent the member view point in the Board decision-making. They typically review, discuss, and act upon a wide range of items affecting the actions, activities, and health of the Society.

More information on the Signal Processing Society website.

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