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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Rabab K. Ward
SPS Past President and Chair, Nominations and Appointments Committee
In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee. This year, the Society will be filling THREE positions on the N&A Committee for the term 2020-21 and TWO positions on the Awards Board for the term 2020-2022. Nominations must be received no later than Friday, 27 September 2019.
The Awards Board is responsible to: a) solicit candidates for all Society awards and prizes in accordance with the requirements for each award; b) solicit nominations of candidates from among the Society’s members for IEEE Fellow grade; c) solicit nominations and appoint the Society’s Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Industry Speakers annually; d) assist the nominations of worthy Society members for awards and recognitions that may be available from other sources outside the Society and the IEEE; e) review and select best paper awards from the nominations; and f) vet the major award nominations. Awards Board members are not allowed to submit nominations or be nominated for awards under their purview.
Please note that current members of the Board of Governors are ineligible to serve on the Awards Board. Awards Board members sitting on Technical Committees must ensure that they do not participate in the Technical Committee award nomination or selection process and are ineligible for awards under the purview of the Awards Board during their term on the Awards Board. The term of Board members is three-years, non-renewable.
The Nominations and Appointments Committee is responsible to: a) stimulate nominations and at the same time, keep track of under-representation of key populations for future nominations. Committee members are not allowed to submit nominations or provide seconds for elections under their purview; b) establish a connection to the major boards and committees in order to generate Member-at-Large, Regional Director-at-Large, Officer and other nominations; c) rank nominations for Member-at-Large, Regional Director-at-Large and Officer elections; d) submit to the Board of Governors a list of candidates recommended for nomination to the positions of Officers; e) submit to the electorate no later than the first working day following 14 August for the annual General Election, at least two candidates for each Member-at-Large and Regional Director-at-Large position becoming vacant; and f) submit to the Board of Governors, a list of candidates recommended by the Society to serve on IEEE/TAB boards and committees and seek and obtain comments from the Board of Governors.
Please note that members of the Nominations and Appointments Committee cannot currently be serving as an Officer or Member-at-Large of the Board of Governors. The term of committee members is two-years, individuals may serve more than one term and such terms can be consecutive up to two consecutive terms. Please review the website for the member terms.
Nominations for the Awards Board and Nominations and Appointments Committee positions must be submitted through the new online nomination system. The following information is required for each nomination: candidate name, contact information, IEEE Region, IEEE member number and grade, TC area of coverage, and candidate’s brief biography including information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society volunteer activities. Nominations must be received no later than Friday, 27 September 2019.
Manage Collaborators on Nomination: There is a Manage Collaborators button in the top right corner of the nomination page. The Primary Collaborator, who is the person who started the nomination, can add additional collaborators on the nomination by clicking the Add Collaborator button. Once a Collaborator is added, the application can be transferred to a new Primary Collaborator by clicking Make Primary next to the name. Access can also be removed from a collaborator by clicking Remove Access next to the name. Only the Primary Collaborator can submit or finalize the application, as well as add other Collaborators. All Collaborators can view and edit the application. However, only one user can be editing the nomination at a time to avoid accidental overwriting of another's information.
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