Chapter & DL News

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Chapter & DL News

All Section officers and Chapter/Affinity Group chairs will be contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate:

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
Singapore December 1, 2015 Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (NEC Corp., Japan) Lecture topic: "25 Years of Audio Coding". Contact chapter chair Stefan Winkler for more information.
Uttar Pradesh


The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $40,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2015 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. However, all proposals must include the involvement of the local Chapter. Allocation of funds will be competitive.

Access the application here.

Funding Priorities

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
South Brazil (Sao Paolo) November 3-4, 2015 Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (NEC Corp., Japan)

At its 20 June 2015 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved adding the rebate schedule to Section 9.0.E of the MGA Operations Manual. Including the rebate schedule in the MGA Operations Manual will ensure members and volunteers have direct access to the official MGA approved rebate definition, eligibility requirements, and schedule.

At its 20 June 2015 meeting, the MGA Board approved revisions to Section 9 of the MGA Operations Manual, regarding term limits for Section, Chapter, and Affinity Group officers. These revisions are reflected in Sections 9.4.F.7, 9.6.D.5, and 9.9.D.6 and are to be in effect for all elections for terms of office starting 1 January 2016.


Just in time for 2016 officer elections, the vTools team has made some improvements to vTools.Voting to reduce confusion and enhance the user experience. Without listing every change, URLs have been corrected, date fields will be validated, more help text has been added, a sample email message has been provided, and the dashboard has been streamlined and sorted.

Sections, Chapters, and Affinity groups can expect a 15-50% response rate, which gives you greater insight as to what your members want.

The forms to petition MGA and other organizational units for the approval of new geographic units have recently been updated.

The forms are used to propose the formation of a Section, Subsection, Geographic Council, Chapter, Affinity Group, Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, or Student Branch Affinity Group. Updates to the forms include making the signature form page one, clarification and emphasis on the eligibility requirements, and updated resource links for when a petition organizer needs additional information.

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
New Zealand/Central/North/South October 2, 2015 Akihiko Sugiyama(NEC Corp., Japan)
Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
Croatia September 8, 2015 Alex Kot (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Lecture topic: "Image Forensics: is a photo worth a thousand words?". Contact chapter chair Miroslav Vrankic for more information..
Estonia September 15, 2015



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