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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Chapter & DL News

The following SPS Distinguished lectures will be held in the upcoming months


The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $40,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2014 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. All proposals must include the involvement of one or more local Chapters to encourage geographic development. Allocation of funds will be competitive.

Access the application here.

SC2014 will be held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The primary audience for IEEE Sections Congress is IEEE members who are volunteering within the MGA structure (Region, geographic Council, Section, Subsection, Chapter, and Affinity Group), but volunteers from other IEEE units are encouraged to attend as well.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications:

vTools.eNotice: A new vTools application has been released to replace the existing eNotice submission form. Both options will remain available during the month of July as the pilot phase is completed.

Try the new eNotice content management system now

The following SPS Distinguished lectures will be held in the upcoming months

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has more than 16,000 members worldwide – over 16,000 people’s worth of knowledge and ideas spread around the globe. While the conveniences of modern technology have certainly made worldwide communication easier, there’s great value in exchanging ideas face-to-face.

The following SPS Distinguished lectures will be held in the upcoming months

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications:

vTools.Meetings version 4.4 introduces new features and usability enhancements, such as:

MGA is pleased to announce Phase II of the Section Vitality Dashboard. New features include:

  • "Sign in" now defaults to your home Section
  • Region has been added
  • An advertising URL has been created:
  • A new Meeting Activity tab has links to meeting activities for the selected Section (technical, professional, non-technical, administrative)

To make the most of these new enhancements:



IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

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