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Publications News

Five years ago, engineers at NASA started to think about using a large number of electric motors to create a blown wing, later naming the project LEAPTech, for Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology. The novel configuration was based on an old concept: The idea—known as a “blown wing”—was to propel air at high speed over the wing using many motors and propellers mounted along the leading edge. 

The health care industry may seem the ideal place to deploy artificial intelligence systems. Each medical test, doctor’s visit, and procedure is documented, and patient records are increasingly stored in electronic formats. AI systems could digest that data and draw conclusions about how to provide better and more cost-effective care. Plenty of researchers are building such systems: 

Critical infrastructures such as the smart electric power grid, gas and water utility networks, transportation networks, and communication networks are crucially supporting quality of life and economic growth. Future critical infrastructures are envisioned to integrate sensory data acquisition, communication and computation technologies, and signal processing to offer improved services to their end-users.

The problem of pervasive indoor localization still remains largely unsolved due to the difficult propagation conditions. Some IoT applications will require real-time localization with submeter accuracy in GNSS-challenged environments.

Computer and communication systems are subject to repeated security attacks. Given the variety of new vulnerabilities discovered every day, the introduction of new attack schemes, and the ever-expanding use of the Internet, it is not surprising that the field of computer and network security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years.

Biometrics and multimedia forensics technologies are rapidly becoming an integral part of forensics sciences. This is evident by the increasing number of security applications such as computer and physical access control, digital rights management, homeland security, surveillance, and defence. 

Big data is becoming an increasingly decisive resource in modern societies, economies, and governmental organizations. Big Data is an emerging paradigm encompassing various kinds of complex and large scale information beyond the processing capability of conventional software and databases. Various technologies are being discussed

In 1882, a banker in Sacramento, Calif., named Frank Miller developed an absolutely unbreakable encryption method. Nearly 140 years later, cryptographers have yet to come up with something better.

Individual feature articles and special issues are two major mechanisms of full-length tutorial surveys of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM). Since the May 2016 feature article cluster by Jane Wang et al. on brain signal analytics, SPM’s current and past editors-in-chief and their teams have been exploring a different way to complement this existing structure—a feature article cluster (or mini special issue) that allows for a set of three to five solicited articles on a current topic, instead of just one (feature article) or ten to 11 (a special issue).

The advent of new wireless technologies in recent years has created a tremendous increase in the demand for wireless connectivity. The estimated number of mobile device connections exceeds eight billion globally, more than the population of the world, and the growth trend is rapidly increasing as the developing world penetration rate is still in its infancy.



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