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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by V. John Mathews, SPS Vice President - Conferences
. . Ali Sayed, SPS Vice President-Publications
As many of you are aware of, THEMES (Thematic Meetings in Signal Processing) is a new joint initiative of the Conference Board and the Publication Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (cf. eNews July 2009). The first THEMES will be held on March 15, 2010 in Dallas. This event’s theme is “Signal and Information Processing for Social Networking.” On behalf of the Conference and Publication Boards of the Society, we would like to invite you to attend THEMES this year. You can find more information on THEMES at
As you consider the allocation of limited resources to decide on the conferences you attend this year, we have made every effort to make your investment in attending THEMES worthwhile. First, THEMES is co-located with ICASSP 2010, and if you are attending ICASSP, the extra cost of attending this one-day event is minimal. If you attend both events, you will even get a discount on the registration fees.
One of the goals of THEMES is to bring to the Signal Processing Community the best technical work on topics of current relevance in a one-day format. For this year’s event, we received over forty submissions. These full-length papers underwent a thorough review process similar to those of papers that are submitted to IEEE Transactions and Journals. The best eight papers were selected for presentation at THEMES and inclusion in a special issue of the IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processing. The list of papers to be presented at THEMES can be found online. The presentations will be of sufficient length to provide a clear understanding of the materials, and will be made by a senior author of the paper. The policy of the meeting requires that the papers be presented by an author who is not a student unless all the authors are students.
Finally, if you are not able to travel to Dallas, you can still attend THEMES virtually. We plan to live-stream the conference to those registering for virtual attendance of the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at IEEE-THEMES in March. You can now register online and take advantage of discounted rate by 15 February 2010.
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