Being Mobile: Future Wireless Technologies and Applications (2010)

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Being Mobile: Future Wireless Technologies and Applications (2010)

by William Webb, Cambridge University Press, Sep. 2010

Description from the publisher: This book provides a clear view of all the key technologies, including mesh networks, white space/cognitive devices, 4G/LTE and femtocells, and all the sectors or applications in which they could be used, with a comparison of the positives and negatives of each technology and sector area.  Its major features include:
- A concise, readable guide to the technologies and services that could transform the wireless world over the coming decade.
- Presents all the key technologies and all the sectors in which they could be used, with a clear comparison of the positives and negatives of each technology and sector area.
- Discusses the key drivers of change in the past and how those key drivers could shape the future.

Complete details can be found at the book's website.

Table of Contents:


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