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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Contributed by Jarmo Takala (DISPS TC Vice Chair and Liaison to eNews)
The Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems (DISPS) Technology Committee promotes and supports activities of SPS in the several areas including: design, development and implementation of signal processing systems; design of algorithms with implementation in mind; and design of software tools and methodologies to support the design of signal processing systems.
Currently, DISPS TC has 32 members and, in 2010, five new members were elected:
Yuan-Hao Huang, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Seok-Jun Lee, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, USA
John Patrick McAllister, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Praveen Raghavan, IMEC vzw, Heverlee, Belgium
There are new openings for members to join the TC in 2011 and the selection will be carried out in Nov. – Dec. 2010. The candidates for new members are nominated by at least two members of the committee, thus persons interested to join the TC are advised to contact current technical committee members listed in the DISPS web page. The DISPS TC has also accepted affiliate and student affiliate members. The list of current affiliates can be seen in
The DISPS TC sponsors the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) with theme “Bio-medical Signal Processing Systems” and this year the Workshop will be held at San Francisco Bay Area in October 6-8. The General Chairs are Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland, College Park and Jorn Janneck, Xilinx. The Workshop attracted 162 submissions and after careful review, the technical program committee selected papers for lecture and poster sessions. The technical program is available in This year keynote lectures are provided by Prof. Ed Deprettere, University of Leiden, Netherlands, Prof. SY Kung, Princeton University, and Dr. Pradeep Dubey, Intel. The SiPS Workshop has tradition of awarding the best student paper with Bob Owens Memorial Paper Award and the winner will be presented during the Workshop banquet.
The DISPS TC coordinates the review for Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems track of the annual SPS flagship conference — International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). This year in ICASSP in Dallas, TX, there were two lecture sessions and two poster sessions related to DISPS track.
Shuvra Bhattacharyya (TC member), Ed Deprettere (TC advisory board member), Rainer Leupers, and Jarmo Takala (TC member) have edited the book “Handbook of Signal Processing Systems” and many TC members have contributed chapters to this book. The handbook has been published by Springer:
TC members Shuvra Bhattacharyya and Ed Deprettere have organized a summer school on Embedded Signal Processing Systems in Leiden, Netherlands on Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, 2010. The objective of the week-long meeting was to provide graduate students, early stage researchers, and practitioners in signal processing and embedded signal processing systems related domains state-of-the-art model-based approaches to the specification and design of signal processing systems. More information about this summer school is available at the summer school website.
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