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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Concentration Banking Program offers all Geographic Units, Conferences, and Standards Developing Committees a bank account with unlimited check writing privileges, paying a higher rate of interest than traditional business checking accounts.
The account works just like a normal checking account. You make deposits, write checks, and earn interest on the daily ending balance for the benefit of your IEEE Unit or Group. The IEEE Concentration Banking (CB) Card is a more efficient and cost-effective method to purchasing goods and services to fulfill all of your Unit’s needs. How does the CB Card work? - The CB Card is for business use only and does not affect your personal credit rating. - The CB Card is a MasterCard issued by JPMorganChase Bank that works like a debit card. All CB Card charges are billed to and paid by your CB account or Custody account in the same fashion as a debit card. - Cards are issued individually with the applicable IEEE Unit also listed on the card. All charges made on the CB Card must be made only by the individual assigned to the card. Please note, certain types of commodities that are not appropriate for business purposes are blocked and the electronic verification will not authorize your purchase. Remember, you are committing CB account funds each time you use the CB Card. Do not take this responsibility lightly. Please e-mail IEEE Concentration Banking Staff < cbcard AT> to apply. All those who apply receive a free gift!
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