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Two computational biology post-doctoral positions are available at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). These positions, in the laboratory of Dr. Wyeth Wasserman, focus on the analysis and interpretation of genetic alterations in the human genome sequence. Both positions are coupled to recently funded projects, providing the right candidate with a strong and stable opportunity to work in a highly collaborative environment.
POSITION 1 Gene Regulation Analysis
The Wasserman laboratory analyzes regulatory sequences controlling when and where genes are transcribed. The project focuses on the analysis and interpretation of mutations in whole genome sequence data in order to identify those mutations likely to disrupt the activity of genes. The work includes aspects of machine learning, model development, and large-scale data analysis. The ideal candidate will have an interest in developing novel computational approaches based on emerging knowledge from laboratory studies.
POSITION 2 Applied Genome Analysis
Based on the campus of a children’s hospital, the Wasserman laboratory partners with a strong genetics community to develop and apply methods for the identification o disease causing variations in genome sequences. The work requires close interaction with clinicians to understand the phenotypes of patients. The ideal candidate will apply computational skills to develop innovative ways to discover relationships between gene annotation and patient phenotypes. The project has already led to the discovery of multiple confirmed human disease genes. Experience with BioPython or other modular programming tools for genome analysis is a strong advantage.
These two-year positions are intended for computational biologists within 3 years of completion of a PhD. Demonstrated experience with computer programming is highly preferred. The ideal candidate will have experience in both the life sciences and computation, but applicants with a strong background in one domain may be considered if interest in interdisciplinary research is apparent.
Applicants should submit a CV, the names and contact information for 3 referees, and a brief statement about career goals to:
Dr. Wyeth W. Wasserman
Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, Canada
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