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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of April, IEEE-USA will offer “Starting Your Start-up – Book 3: Competitive Analysis,” by Tanya Candia. This e-book is for engineers or entrepreneurs who have a great product or service idea, but no real marketing expertise. It gives advice on how to map out the competitive landscape, discern the product’s compelling value, and sell against any and all competitors. Available 1 April through 15 May.
For the month of May, IEEE-USA will offer Doing Innovation – Book 4: What It Takes To Be an Innovator -- by Gerard H. “Gus” Gaynor. This e-book focuses on a critical element of innovation --the Innovator. What do innovators bring to an organization? What characteristics and attitudes do they display? Look for the special link on 1 May.
To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Accounts.
IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair Gus Gaynor, or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager Georgia C. Stelluto.
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