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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

How fast is online learning evolving? Are wind turbines a promising investment? And how long before a cheap hoverboard makes it to market? Attempting to answer such questions requires knowing something about the rate at which a technology is improving. Now engineers at MIT have devised a formula for estimating how fast a technology is advancing, based on information gleaned from relevant patents.

In our "What should we learn from... " series we report on a special issue from IEEE Potentials in March/April 2015. It gave some interesting comments on Biomimicry or Bioinspiration covering fields such as sensors networks, vision systems, health care and robot design which we believe are very relevant to the signal processing community.

Topological data analysis (TDA) is an emerging multi-discipline area of research spanning topology, statistics, machine learning, signal processing and computation geometry. In our video of the month, Gunnar Carlsson, Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Stanford University and co-founder of Ayasdi, offers a nice and concise introduction to TDA.

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of April, IEEE-USA will offer “Starting Your Start-up – Book 3: Competitive Analysis,” by Tanya Candia. This e-book is for engineers or entrepreneurs who have a great product or service idea, but no real marketing expertise. It gives advice on how to map out the competitive landscape, discern the product’s compelling value, and sell against any and all competitors. Available 1 April through 15 May.

For our May 2015 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of visual gait recognition. The section below covers patents granted recently for gait recognition technologies in computer generated reality, visual behavior recognition, access management and motion classification.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications:

The 2015 IEEE Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO) will take place 16-18 July, in Glasgow, Scotland. IEEE POCO convenes organizers, volunteer leaders, and decision makers to address conference leadership practices, changes in policies, challenges in the conference landscape, and new conference initiatives. IEEE volunteers involved in conferences can apply to attend as a hosted attendee and receive complimentary registration.

Here are three facts to tell members about the IEEE Member Discounts Program:

As part of the January 2015 Board Retreat, IEEE President and CEO Howard Michel convened a diverse group of participants including the IEEE Board of Directors, the executive staff team, and select volunteers to engage in a candid and productive dialogue around IEEE’s future direction and strategy. A three-day retreat resulted in 12 strategic topics, each with recommendations and perceived importance of the recommendations.

One of the trends in publishing is to make research articles publicly available through a process called “open access” (OA). To help ensure that your conference authors can meet open access guidelines from their funding agencies, reviewing the IEEE Author Posting policy may address their concerns and make them comfortable submitting papers to your conference.

IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program Webinars: marketing your conference, global hotel partnership program

The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinars:

Marketing Your Conference: Better Event E-mail Invites in 7 Easy Steps

Speier, William Farran, IV. (University of California, Los Angeles ) “Toward real-time communication using braincomputer interface systems” (2015), Advisor: Pouratian, Nader

Section officers can spread the word that IEEE offers a FREE online course especially designed for entrepreneurs and independent consultants. The course, called IEEE Risk Management for Engineers, examines the risk-management process including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses, risk mitigation, and the value of contracts and professional liability insurance.

The IEEE Awards Board invites you to nominate candidates for the 2016 IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Paper Award and the IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award.

MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved.

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $40,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2015 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. However, all proposals must include the involvement of the local Chapter. Allocation of funds will be competitive.

The IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter, provides a forum for local and international researchers and engineers from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental and applied signal, image and video processing.

Nominations are due 1 July 2015 for the 2016 IEEE Medals and Recognitions.



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