April 2011

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

April 2011

Yongle Wu (University of Maryland), "Game-Theoretic Strategies for Dynamic Behavior in Cognitive Radio Networks" Advisor: Prof. K. J. Ray Liu (2010)

We are seeking two highly motivated postdoctoral fellows in computational neuroscience to be part of an interdisciplinary research alliance working to develop mobile brain & body imaging experimental and data analysis methods in support of a research program in neuroergonomics ('the study of the brain and body at work').

Do you have a unique hobby or passion that others find interesting? If so, The Institute - IEEE's membership newspaper - is interested in hearing from you.

Each quarterly print issue of The Institute features IEEE members in its "Part-Time Passions" section. To have your part-time passion considered for an article, please send an email to institute@ieee.org. To view a sample article, go to http://tinyurl.com/institute-part-time-passion.


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