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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program: The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapters may receive up to $3,500 per chapter annually to support travel expenses for SPS appointed Distinguished Lecturers and other invited speakers, provided all lectures are pre-approved by the Chapters Coordinator, Alex Kot <eackot AT> . Reimbursement for the lecturer’s travel expenses will be via submission of a completed IEEE expense reimbursement form and appropriate, original receipts. Normally, the Distinguished Lecturer handles the expenses for the lecture and seeks reimbursement from the Executive Office. Information on the Distinguished Lecturer Program, as well as the current list of Society appointed Distinguished Lecturers can be found on the Society’s website under the “Lectures” tab. Chapter Funding: In addition to the DL program, Signal Processing Society Chapters may receive up to $500 per chapter annually to support coffee breaks or other small social gathering in conjunction with meetings. Please note that funding will be done on a reimbursement basis and funds must first be pre-approved by the Chapters Coordinator, Alex Kot <eackot AT> for DL linked events and the Executive Office, Theresa Argiropoulos <t.argiropoulos AT> for non-DL linked events. The Chapter Chair will be responsible for completing an IEEE expense reimbursement form and must submit all original receipts in order to receive reimbursement in US dollar or local currency.
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