Call for Proposals: IEEE ICME 2019, 2020, 2021

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Call for Proposals: IEEE ICME 2019, 2020, 2021

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
2019, 2020, and 2021 |

Sponsored By:
TheIEEEComputer Society

This Call for Proposal is distributed on behalf of the Steering Committee for the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) to be held in summer of 2019, 2020 and 2021. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsoredby fourIEEEsocietiessince2000.Itservesasa forum topromote theexchangeof thelatest advancesinmultimediatechnologies,systems,andapplicationsfromboththeresearchanddevelopment perspectivesofthecircuitsandsystems,communications,computer,andsignalprocessingcommunities. An Exposition of multimedia products, animations and industries will be held in conjunction with the conference.ICME2019,2020and2021willbethe28th,29th and30th meetinginthisseries.


  • ProposedDates(approximatelymid-yearof2019 or2020or2021,preferableJuly)
  • OrganizingCommitteeMembers
    • Names forallkeypositions
    • Biographical information for General Chair(s), Technical Program Chairs, Treasurer/Finance Chair, Workshop Chairs, Industry Chairs, Panel Chairs, Tutorial Chairs, and Special Session Chairs
    • Membership in the Signal Processing Society: Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee,Circuits and Systems Society:Multimedia Systems and Applications Technical Committee, Communications Society: Multimedia Communications Technical Committee, and/or Computer Society:Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing
  • Proposed budget. (For advice on building an IEEE budget please contact
  • Supportthatcanbeanticipatedfromthelocalgovernment,universitiesandorcorporations
  • Whyselectthisparticularlocation?
    • Airportandtransportationinformation
    • CustomsandVisaregulations
    • Hotelandconventioncenterinformation(i.e.spacediagrams,maps,etc.)
    • Touristdestinations(i.e.museums,naturalwonders,etc.)
    • Averageweatherconditionsforthetimeofyear
    • Arethereanysecurityconcerns?Ifthereis,whatprocedurewillbetakenbytheOCteam?

Submission of Proposal
Proposal forICME2019, 2020or 2021 iscurrentlybeingaccepted.Before submittingaproposalplease read theICME Charter and Guidelines on theICMEwebsite (,please notify the Steering Committee of your intent to propose via an email to Steering Committee Chair Dr. HaohongWang byMarch 1, 2017. Thepotentialbiddersare encouragedto work with a member of ICME steering committee to prepare their bid. If you are interested to solicit SteeringCommittee feedback foryourproposal,pleasesubmitadraftproposalnolater than March 15, 2017.FinalproposalsshouldbesentnolaterthanApril 15, 2017.PleasesendtheproposaltoConference Services Staff, IEEE Signal Processing Society ( and Haohong Wang ( theremaybelimitofemailsize,pleaseputlarge fileonashareddrive, e.g.,GoogleDrive,OneDrive,Dropbox,etc.

Proposal Presentation
Proposals of interest to the Steering Committee will be asked to present at the Steering Committee meetingatICME2017 atHongKong.TheacceptedbidwillberequiredtobuildanICME2019/2020/2021 websiteatconsolidatedICMEwebsitewithin6monthsofproposalacceptance.

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