2017 Member-Driven Initiative

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

2017 Member-Driven Initiative

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $20,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2017 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. However, all proposals must include the involvement of the local Chapter to encourage geographic development. Allocation of funds will be competitive.

Access application here.

Funding Priorities
Applications will be evaluated and selected by the Membership Board. Preference will be given to projects that contain some or all of the following components:

  • Fit of the project to the Society’s Mission;
  • Number of SPS members affected;
  • Benefits industry members;
  • Benefits student members and young professionals;
  • SPS membership recruitment and retention;
  • Benefits female members and/or increasing female membership in SPS;
  • Benefits SPS members in Region 9;
  • Public outreach on signal processing.

The ability of the applicant to execute the proposed project will also be given consideration.

Terms, Restrictions and Conditions

  • Only initiatives proposed by Signal Processing Society Chapters and member(s) or Committees (with Chapter support) will be considered.
  • Funds must be spent in 2017. Requests for multi-year or continuous funding cannot be considered.
  • There is no minimum award size. A report, including financial documentation and membership development results, is required within 60 days of project completion.
  • For exceptional projects, awards up to US$10,000 can be made.
  • Images and descriptions of the event, as well as content, will be considered for use in the Society’s newsletters, promotions, publications, and Resource Center portal.
  • Funds will not be distributed for research, tuition, or indirect costs.
  • Other restrictions may apply.

Project Examples

  • Seed funding for an SPS seasonal school.
  • Seed funding for chapter-centered events for practicing engineers.
  • Support for a chapter meeting featuring industry executives.
  • Development of an outreach program to get students at primary schools interested in signal processing.
  • Funding for a design competition for signal processing technologies.
  • Support for an event leading to the creation of a new chapter, student branch or affinity group.
  • Networking events with local industry, sister societies, professional engineering associations, and standardization bodies.

Proposal Preparation Guidelines
Proposers should submit white papers by email to sp.bd.membership@ieee.org. White papers should be 3-4 pages in length in 11 or 12 point font. White papers should address the following points:

  • The proposed title.
  • An outline of funding priorities addressed.
  • Metrics of performance to be used to assess the project (for example: increased membership numbers, student retention, establishment of student branches, etc.).
  • A listing of key organizers and a description of their qualifications.
  • A description of the proposed membership development contribution of the initiative.

Applications can be submitted at any time during 2017 to sp.bd.membership@ieee.org. The Membership Board will make decisions, on a rolling deadline, as long as funds remain. Applications should be submitted early in order to allow sufficient processing and review time. Applicants are encouraged to apply early in order to reserve funds for their project, if selected.

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