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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 53 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2012:
Patrice Abry, Lyon, France: for contributions to the theory and applications of fractal and multifractal analysis in signal and image processing.
Robert Adams, Wilmington, MA: for contributions to analog and digital signal processing.
Yucel Altunbasak, Atlanta, GA: for contributions to super-resolution imaging, color filter array interpolation, and error-resilient video communications.
Oscar Au, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong: for contributions to multimedia coding and security.
Ahmad Bahai, Santa Clara, CA: for contributions to multi-carrier wireless and wire-line communication systems.
Sergio Barbarossa, Rome, Italy: for contributions to signal processing, sensor networks, and wireless communications.
Mauro Barni, Siena, Italy: for contributions to signal and image processing for multimedia security.
Thierry Blu, Hong Kong, China: for fundamental contributions to approximation theory in signal and image processing.
Chaitali Chakrabarti, Tempe, AZ: for contributions to low power embedded system design and to very large scale integration architectures for signal processing.
Jocelyn Chanussot, Grenoble, France: for contributions to data fusion and image processing for remote sensing.
Yen-Kuang Chen, Santa Clara, CA: for contributions to algorithm-architecture co-design for multimedia signal processing.
Paul Dan Cristea, Bucharest, Romania: for contributions to modernizing and internationalizing engineering education.
Edward Dougherty, College Station, TX: for contributions to the development of genomic signal processing.
Gerard Dreyfus, Paris, France: for contributions to machine learning and its applications.
Jean-Luc Dugelay, Sophia, France: for contributions to three dimensional imaging for security applications.
Michael Elad, Technion City, Israel: for contributions to sparsity and redundancy in image processing.
Anbal Figueiras-Vidal, Madrid, Spain: for leadership in digital signal processing.
Patrick Flynn, Notre Dame, IN: for contributions to biometric identification.
Mazin Gilbert, Warren, NJ: for contributions to speech recognition, speech synthesis, and spoken language understanding.
Rafik Goubran, Ottawa, Canada: for contributions to voice quality measurement and its applications to audio improvement.
Fredrik Gustafsson, Linkping, Sweden: for contributions to theory and applications of statistical signal processing.
Franz Hlawatsch, Wien, Austria: for contributions to time-frequency signal processing.
Michael Insana, Urbana, IL: for contributions to ultrasound imaging methods, particularly elastography.
Jorgen Jensen, Lyngby, Denmark: for contributions to medical ultrasound imaging systems.
Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Richardson, TX: for contributions to real-time biomedical image processing.
Ryuji Kohno, Yokohama City, Japan: for contributions to spread spectrum and ultra wideband technologies and applications.
James Lam, Hong Kong, China: for contributions ito analysis and synthesis of control systems.
Vincent Lau, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong: for contributions to wireless communication systems with channel feedback.
Geert Leus, Delft, Netherlands: for contributions to signal processing for communications.
Jin Li, Redmond, WA: for contributions to multimedia delivery, compression and storage for real-time communication.
Ching-Yung Lin, Hawthorne, NY: for contributions to network science and multimedia security and retrieval.
Marco Luise, Pisa, Italy: for contributions to synchronization and signal processing in communications.
John Mathews, University Park, PA: for contributions to radar observations of meteors.
Eric Miller, Medford, MA: for contributions to inverse problems and physics-based signal and image processing.
Bernard Mulgrew, Edinburgh, Scotland: for contributions to linear and nonlinear equalizers for adaptive systems.
Hiroshi Okuno, Kyoto, Japan: for contributions to robot audition technology.
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Paris, France: for contributions to image analysis and its applications in biological imaging.
Venkata Padmanabhan, Bangalore, India: for contributions to mobile communications systems.
Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Champs sur Marne, France: for contributions to statistical methods for signal recovery.
Konstantinos Plataniotis, Toronto, Canada: for contributions to the theory and application of statistical adaptive learning.
Marc L. Pollefeys, Zurich, Switzerland: for contributions to three-dimensional computer vision.
Salil Prabhakar, Freemont, CA: for contributions to biometrics technology.
Wonjong Rhee, San Francisco, CA: for leadership in dynamic spectrum management systems.
Akbar Sayeed, Madison, WI: for contributions to statistical signal modeling for wireless communication and sensor networks.
Wan-Chi Siu, Kowloon, Hong Kong: for leadership in signal processing and contributions to video technologies.
Ljubisa Stankovic, Podgorica, Montenegro: for contributions to time-frequency signal analysis.
Roy Streit, Reston, VA: for contributions to multi-target tracking, classification, and sonar signal processing.
Kenneth Tobin, Oak Ridge, TN: for contributions to computer vision technology for instrumentation and measurement.
Chin-Liang Wang, Hsinchu, Taiwan: for contributions to signal processing algorithms and architectures for digital communications.
Jiangtao Wen, Beijing, China: for contributions to multimedia communication technology and standards.
Xiaohu Yu, Nanjing, China: for leadership in the development of mobile communications in China.
Wenjun Zeng, Columbia, MO: for contributions to multimedia communication and security.
Guotong Zhou, Atlanta, GA: for contributions to the analysis of nonlinear signals and systems.
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth percent of the members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields. Visit this SPS webpage for full citations of these new fellows and more information about the Fellow program. Nominations are now being accepted till March 1, 2012, for the IEEE Fellow Class of 2013.
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