December 2012

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

December 2012

The BioImaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) promotes activities within the broad technical areas of biomedical and biological signal and image processing.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) announced the 2013 Class of Distinguished Lecturers. Five colleagues were honored and they are: Sergio Barbarossa (Sapienza University of Rome); Mauro Barni (University of Siena); Robert Heath Jr. (University of Texas at Austin); V. John Mathews (University of Utah ); and Mari Ostendorf (University of Washington).

Nominations are due 31 January 2013 for the 2014 IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFA).

Effective 28 September 2012, all geographic unit officer reporting is to be submitted using vTools.OfficerReporting.



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