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by William A. Pearlman and Amir Said, Cambridge University Press, December 2011.
Description from the publisher: With clear and easy-to-understand explanations, this book covers the fundamental concepts and coding methods of signal compression, whilst still retaining technical depth and rigor. It contains a wealth of illustrations, step-by-step descriptions of algorithms, examples and practice problems, which make it an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a useful self-study tool for researchers and professionals. Principles of lossless compression are covered, as are various entropy coding techniques, including Huffman coding, arithmetic coding and Lempel-Ziv coding. Scalar and vector quantization and trellis coding are thoroughly explained, and a full chapter is devoted to mathematical transformations including the KLT, DCT and wavelet transforms. The workings of transform and subband/wavelet coding systems, including JPEG2000 and SBHP image compression and H.264/AVC video compression, are explained and a unique chapter is provided on set partition coding, shedding new light on SPIHT, SPECK, EZW and related methods.
More details can be found at the book website.
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